• In the eastern region of India, Portal Infotech Llp Communications has pioneered IT infrastructure and telecommunication services. Over the past 10 years, we have gained expertise and knowledge in the market, and our solutions reflect this.

    Whether a company is large or small, telecommunications are essential to its proper operation. Communication can be especially challenging when a company has multiple locations. Despite the infrastructure available to support an individual enterprise, telecom towers can only do so much. Therefore, large and mid-scale businesses should not just rely on them for personalised tower infrastructure solutions that facilitate only their communication needs.

We offer professional tower infra services to our clients to streamline their communication and data transmission processes. Furthermore, companies that wish to expand must benefit from personal tower solutions in today’s world.

Special Benefits of Tower Infrastructure Services

As only your company uses a personal tower, the data transmission speed increases.

You can ensure high quality video conferencing with the help of our tower infra and conduct better meetings to improve productivity.

You and your employees will be able to communicate clearly with the help of a personal tower.

What is our service delivery method?
  • In order to better understand your location and its characteristics, we conduct an extensive RF survey. Additionally, we use professional software to predict the performance of our solutions.

Apart from gauging the area, we also invest efforts in detecting issues that our services can encounter after installation. The results from the simulation we create further help us understand what else can affect the optimum performance of our tower infrastructure solutions for your company.

Following the RF survey and issue detection phase, we compile the data to plan out our entire service process. Our plan includes how we will install the tower, what aspects we will prioritize, and how we will resolve the detected problems.

  • The tower was built and installed at the location determined by the survey.

    In spite of the fact that we offer tower infrastructure support for all types of connections, we recommend our customers opt for 5G tower installation for the fastest connectivity possible.

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