The scope of our expertise includes large and mid-sized businesses that need solutions covering a wide range of areas. In addition to providing wireless last mile connectivity solutions, we also offer data transmission solutions.

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Any company can improve its productivity with streamlined and fast connectivity. In any case, establishing that can be difficult, especially if your business is spread across various cities. Therefore, engineers developed a last mile carrier solution that would improve data transmission speed by channeling it from a national level carrier (NLC) to a personalised path.

We recommend you utilize wireless last mile connectivity solutions if you are experiencing delays in data transfer.

Wireless: Why should you choose it?

Last-mile carrier devices can be easily installed since there are no wires or cables involved. They can also be installed in places where cable-connected last-mile solutions are not feasible.

It is true that wire-based connections are better at transferring data, but the reality is quite different. The speed of the last mile solution depends on how it was installed in your location. By providing proper assistance, the speed can be dramatically increased.

As there are no wires/cables, you will not have to purchase multiple parts to install the system. There will be no trenched cables and leased lines to maintain and spend money on.

Therefore, wireless connectivity is practical and requires relatively little maintenance.

What makes our wireless last mile connectivity solutions different from others?

A survey of your location is conducted in order to gauge the area and collect data about it. Our engineers will use this survey to determine the ideal last-mile connectivity approach for your business. Additionally, this is how we anticipate the performance of our services.

In spite of the fact that an NLC provides 80% of the connectivity pathway, you don’t need to worry about dealing with them. As your wireless last mile connectivity provider, we handle both LMC and NLC issues.

Our engineers are industry experts who have been providing telecommunications solutions professionally for years. As a result, they also provide valuable insight.

Their years of experience allow them to offer specific solutions. Furthermore, they formulate these solutions based on the area, your requirements, and potential shortcomings found during the survey.

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