Our ten years of expertise and the industry experts that work with us are the basis for our bold claims. Additionally, Portal Infotech Llp has become quite well-known among the general public because to our commitment to provide top-notch services.

Visit our services section and get in touch with us if you’re interested in learning more about our additional offerings.

With our assistance, you obtain:

People who might not have previously had access to the internet now have it thanks to advancements in connectivity. With the help of our city WiFi solutions, you may provide a good connection to a large region, contribute to its growth, and simultaneously market your own company.

By building a smart city, you advance both your company and the area where you’ve chosen to instal connection. With our help, you’ll be able to create the most reliable connection while also making sure it’s done in accordance with your needs.

What are City WiFi Solutions' Main Advantages?


Even if the majority of people prefer to utilise mobile data to access the internet, a good city WiFi solution might serve as an excellent substitute.


Individuals may discover more and create better things thanks to free internet access, which has a big positive impact on the economy and improves company services.

Our WiFi Solutions for Smart Cities: Features

Like all of our other services, we only provide city WiFi support following a comprehensive RF survey of the area. This enables us to identify any potential problem right away and offer a practical solution in accordance.

The majority of problems that can arise in this kind of networking structure are simply avoidable. It’s because they truly come from inadequate execution and security.

Our services give you both and assist you in creating a setting where everyone has access to a reliable, high-quality internet connection.

Since no two places are same, applying the same solution in two different locations is almost impossible. As a result, we design and develop specialised city WiFi solutions based on your unique needs and the topology you want to cover.

By doing this, we can solve problems rather than just provide confusing goods and services.

Our experts stay in frequent contact with you to learn about your needs and provide their ideas because our goal is to provide practical assistance rather than merely sell products. They make an effort to respond to your questions and offer solutions in a timely manner.

With our expert perspective, we never try to steer you away from your goal; instead, we give you a push in the right direction.

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